How does a tiny acorn grow into an enormous oak tree? At onetime, the tree in your backyard could have fit into your pocket!Look inside to learn the simple steps for turning a packet of seedsinto your own garden.
Revised illustrations and format make this book, originallypublished in 1960, a valuable choice. With charming illustrationsand clear text, this simple introduction leads young readersthrough a series of steps that result in bean plants as well as abasic understanding of how seeds work. Children are encouraged tofollow each aspect of the botanical process, from sowing beanseeds, to the growth of tiny root hairs, to transplanting the plantin the garden. Realistic and inviting full-color watercolors showonly procedures that are possible for youngsters to follow withminimal involvement from adults. The African-American girl, who isthe main character, is definitely in charge; her white male friendperforms only menial tasks.
The late Helene J. Jordan wrote extensively for radio,magazines, and newspapers, and was an editor of Natural Historymagazine.