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英文绘本:White Snow, Bright Snow  

书号: 9780688082949
作者: Tresselt, Alvin
出版社: N4注音绘本
出版时间: 1988-11-01
适合阅读年龄: 0-2岁 2-4岁 7-10岁 4-7岁



When the first flakes fell from the grey sky, the postman andthe farmer and the policeman and his wife scurried about doing allthe practical things grownups do when a snowstorm comes. But thechildren laughed and danced, and caught the lacy snowflakes onthier tongues.

All the wonder and delight a child feels in a snowfall is caught inthe pages of this book -- the frost ferns on the window sill, thesnow man in the yard and the mystery and magic of a new whiteworld. Roger Duvoisin's pictures in soft blue half-tones withbriliant splashes of yellow and red emphasize the gaiety and humoras well as the poetic quality of the text.



★ 美国先锋的儿童书作家和绘图。

★ 设计师阿尔文·崔塞特代表作之一。

★ 凯迪克金奖绘本、凯迪克银奖绘本、德国青少年文学奖、美国插画师协会奖得主罗杰·迪瓦森代表画作。

★ 荣获凯迪克金奖绘本,灰、红、黄三种基础色调勾勒出典雅温馨的冬日气氛。

★ 教会孩子用心和身体去感受自然界变化带来的喜悦。

★ 流传半个多世纪的经典绘本,带我们走进温暖的冬日,凯迪克金奖绘本

  "Softly, gently in the secret night,

  Down from the North came the quiet white."

  "Drifting, sifting, silent flight,

  Softly, gently, in the secret night."

  These lines open the book and help create the magical mood of new-fallen snow.

  The postman says that it "looked like snow." He "put on rubbers" to keep his feet dry. But during the storm, he "slipped and fell in a snowbank." The next morning, he "took out his high boots." When spring finally came, he walked slowly so he could "enjoy the bright sunshine."

  The farmer said it "smelled like snow." He "went to the barn for a snow shovel." With


阿尔文·崔塞特(AlvinTresselt)1916年生于美国新泽西州的帕塞伊克,是一位先锋的儿童书作家和绘图设计师。他创作的绘本《白雪晶晶》荣获了凯迪克金奖,由他编绘的乌克兰民间故事集《连指手套》也非常受欢迎。 Alvin Tresselt is a published author of children's books. Someof the published credits of Alvin Tresselt include White SnowBright Snow, Rain Drop Splash, Hide and seek fog, and The mitten :an old Ukrainian folktale


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