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英文绘本:Spinky Sulks 斯宾奇发脾气 

书号: 9780312672461
作者: William Steig(美国)
出版社: 其他
出版时间: 2011-01-01
适合阅读年龄: 0-2岁 7-10岁 4-7岁 2-4岁


  What happens when you feel so hurt by, and angry at, yourfamily's stinging words that you tear right out the front door? Inmany a classic children's story, the protagonist just keeps onrunning--setting off on a thrilling, dangerous adventure that turnsout to be a cautionary tale about the risks of that great big worldout there and a reinforcement of the fact that they only safe placeto be is back home with your family.

In William Steig's terrific new title, the young fireplug-shaped,spiky-haired hero named Spinky does not run away and learn hislesson. Instead, he hits the grass outside his home and collapsesinto the world's longest, most impermeable funk. Completely muteand physically unresponsive(his arm hangs "like a noodle" when hismother reaches for it), Spinky practically turns into an inanimateobject. As the days go by, his older siblings "kept finding him inweird places" where they'd "try to pry a word out of him, or they'djust pass him by." In time, Spinky becomes so adept



Sylvester and the Magic Pebble(CaldecottWinner)驴小弟变石头(凯迪克金奖)

Sylvester and the Magic Pebble(Book+CD)驴小弟变石头1970年凯迪克金奖绘本(附CD)

Doctor DeSoto《老鼠牙医生》(1983年纽伯瑞银奖)

Doctor De Soto (PB+CD) 老鼠牙医--地嗖头 1983年纽伯瑞银奖(附CD)

Shrek! 怪物史莱克

Abel's Island 《老鼠阿贝漂流记》(1977年纽伯瑞银奖)

Caleb and Kate (New York Times Book Review Notable Children'sBook) 凯莱布和凯特 (1977年纽约时报杰出童书奖)

Brave Irene 勇敢的艾琳 (1986年纽约时报最佳绘本)

Spinky Sulks 斯宾奇发脾气(美国图书馆协会推荐童书、纽约时报杰出童书奖)

C D B![Paperback]CDB(平装;本书的幽默拥有无可抗拒的魅力!)?

Amos & Boris 小老鼠和大鲸鱼

  Spinky has retreated to his hammock with a serious case of thesulks - the world is against him, so he is against the world.Nothing his family or friends can say or do will convince himotherwise. The award-winning American author/illustrator's otherbooks include "Brave Irene" and "Shrek".


Spinky Sulks?is a highly resonant, realistic picture ofchildhood feeling. And yes, Spinky does come inside and talk toeveryone in the end-on his own time, in his own way, because he'sready. --Jean Lenihan, Amazon.com

I?am 36 years old and noticed this book, by the author ofSHREK, on the shelf at the public library and checked it out for mydaughter. I was expecting a good book, but this one just plain blewme away. It's funny, poignant, and has a couple lessons in it thatevery parent (maybe even every *person*) should keep in mind, aboutthe difference between a sincere apology and an insincere one, andabout how carrying a grudge forever is self-defeating.


史塔克1907年出生于美国纽约,他的家人都从事与艺术相关的工作,因此他成为一名漫画家也就不出奇了。史塔克凭借出众的才华被《新闻周刊》誉为“漫画之王”,曾担任著名杂志《纽约客》艺术总监长达30年之久。他创作的《驴小弟变石头》和 《会说话的骨头》分别获得1970年以及1977年凯迪克金奖、银奖,1976年的《老鼠阿贝漂流记》和 1983年的《老鼠牙医生》都获得了纽伯瑞银奖。其他深受欢迎的作品还有《斯宾奇发脾气》《小老鼠和大鲸鱼》等,以及被改编成电影的《怪物史莱克》等。他本人在1988年获得国际安徒生奖画家奖的提名。   威廉·史塔克于2003年10月逝世。


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