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英文绘本:hello red fox 

书号: 9780689844317
作者: Eric Carle
出版社: 其他
出版时间: 2001-06-01
适合阅读年龄: 0-2岁 2-4岁 4-7岁


  Goethe (1749-1832) is celebrated as a great German poet,novelist, and philosopher. But in his eyes, color theory was hismost significant achievement. In 1810 Goethe published Farbenlehre,naming three primary colors--red, blue, and yellow--from which allother colors could be made, and claiming that each color had anopposite, or complementary, color. But how does this relate towell-loved artist Eric Carle's Hello, Red Fox? Well, it's likethis. On his special birthday, Little Frog's friends--Red Fox,Purple Butterfly, Orange Cat, and others--begin to arrive at hishouse for a party. Imagine Mama Frog's surprise when she perceivesRed Fox as green, Purple Butterfly as yellow, and so on. Each time,Little Frog gently points out that she simply hasn't stared at eachanimal long enough to see his or her "true color."

  At the beginning of the book, readers are instructed to stare forten seconds at the boldly colored animal on the left side of thespread, then transfer their unblinking gaze



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